Monday, August 29, 2005

Odd Couples

"Gives me the creeps, seein' her actin' like that with him." -Apollo
"He loves her. And yeah, he knows she's a machine. He doesn't care he loves her anyway." -Starbuck
"Frack. How can one of us get that roped in by one of them? We should keep an eye on him, too." -Apollo

Ah...very tricky here. Two similar pairs of Cylon-human lovers. (We know Apollo loves Starbuck, and she was quite vocal about her feelings halfway through season one.) The us-them talk comes back into play here. Adama the Cylon is saying, "How can one of us machines get roped in by a human?" It's that whole love thing coming back--what sets "Sharon" apart. Adama the deceived human is pleading, "Why Helo? How did that happen to him?" I just love these loaded double-meanings.

Saturday, August 27, 2005

"Cylons are People" Two

"Sharon" said it herself: "to them, I'm not a person. I'm just a thing." I think that this Sharon really is different. It is shown in her name. She is Sharon, the others were Boomer. She chose to hand her gun over to the Commander, G-Boomer only handed some bullets over. Perhaps it's the maternal instinct taking over--or maybe that's all she is programmed for. Her objective while on Caprica was to get pregnant by Helo and make sure he loved her.

On a related note, the Gaius-Six interaction took an interesting turn this episode. Six is not a chip in his head. At the end, she repeats that Boomer is carrying our child. I'm not sure how many times the writers can beat this dead horse, but Gaius is a Cylon. I understand tht some may say "our child means the human-Cylon hybrid". This is true. The child is a hybrid of Boomer and Helo. The Cylons speak in us-them terms. Us means Cylons, them means humans. "She is carrying our child," means the Cylon's child. Gaius is a Cylon.

The creepiest line, drenched with the most foreshadowing from this episode: "I am an angel sent from god...I will lead you to the end of the human race."

Friday, August 26, 2005

"Anonymous" Comments

Due to all the varying theories being posted by "anonymous", I make a humble request that everyone pick an alias to post comments under. Hopefully this will sort everything out and avoid confusion.

Wednesday, August 24, 2005

The Arrow of Apollo

A few readers have brought up the idea that the Arrow of Apollo is actually a person. I can agree with that statement. What I disagree on is who the Arrow is. Those of you who commented have said the Arrow is Starbuck, for various valid reasons that I myself considered (she is the star pilot, she went to Caprica on a her special mission, she has the physical arrow in hand, Apollo is in love with her, etc...). However, it was brought to my attention that the mission on Caprica so far seems to point to Boomer as the Arrow. She has guided the colonists using the scriptures the entire time they have been down on Kobol. This will, I believe, be more evident now that the Geminon priestess has been killed. Starbuck's role actually factors into this quite well. She was sent to retrieve the Arrow of Apollo from Caprica. What did she come back with? A relic from the museum and Boomer. Boomer is the Arrow.

Sunday, August 21, 2005

The Most Important Moments in Sci-Fi

Boomer arrives with Starbuck in the President's faction of the fleet. Apollo lunges at her and hold his gun to her head. Helo reacts quickly, sticks his gun on Apollo. In this tense moment, Lee asks Helo, "What, are you a Cylon, too?" This is just so perfect. Lee himself gives out one of those "hidden in plain sight" clues that he is a Cylon. So what have we got now? "Adama is a Cylon, are you a Cylon too?"

The second great line from the show was Boomer trying to console Apollo. She said, "I know how you feel. I get it." That's sweet--the Cylon knows exactly how Lee feels. Small wonder.

Us and Them

"They have it easy, don't they?" -Six
"They? Why are you speaking like I'm one of you?" -Baltar

This whole scene was quite interesting. Baltar is really starting to become suspicious of his relationship with Six, of his own humanity. Everything Six keeps saying just doesn't add up anymore. Does she want him to find out he's a Cylon? Or is she simply messing up by saying, "we, them, us" and he's still not meant to know?

Saturday, August 13, 2005

Episode 205

Starbuck + Anders.

Whoa. Starbuck being shot was a surprise. It launches the main storyline for this episode.

Zarek says, "Adama is back in command." Lee is visibly emotional and it's important to say "my father" (we have to keep those Adamas straight.) Then Lee continues to show his independent thinking by not crossing his father. This sends the (former) President into action.

The Doctor is creepy and Kara nails him as a Cylon. On second viewing it is important to note that she just says she is Kara Thrace, not Starbuck. The Doctor was clearly trying to fool her with the Anders is dead deal. You can see that she almost grabs the IV in the second scene with him, but gets drugged; she is obviously suspicious.

Back on Galactica there is a nice scene with the Commander and the Chief. Adama states that Boomer was more than a machine. They knew her for two years! The significance of love is stressed. Remember G-Boomer's last words were "I love you Chief." "You'll see her again. There are many copies." Great reference.

Back on Caprica, Simon is throwing out good excuses to make things seem normal, but like a true Cylon he is mainly interested in breeding. They have this in common with the human survivors.

Interesting character development on Starbuck's abuse as a child.

In the fleet, the religious message from Rosilyn is out. Adama denies the obvious that the people will follow her. We see with the powerful blessing scene that many will follow her.

Anders lives! Starbuck is right. Sharon is now with them. Yikes another incision. Have they taken her ovary or what?

This time she does grab the IV and catches the Doctor with Six. The act ends with Kara praying for help.

Next act:
The Doctor does suspect something is up. The IV is not empty enough. She never told him she was "Starbuck." As he dies he says "You can't kill me." Just in case we were not sure he was a Cylon.

Now we see the farm that give the episode its title. The Cylons are breeding a lot of women.

Yea! As things look bad, C-Boomer comes to save the day. The next scene we see the Commander's grief over Boomer being a Cylon. 1/3 of the fleet - 24 ships have gone.

The one thing they were missing was love. (For successful breeding...) C-Boomer is now an accepted part of the resistence even though she is a Cylon. Her whole situation is out in the open.

We know Kara is special; another of Leoben's prophecies.

It is so cool that Kara has lost an eybrow along the way. Bye Anders, sniff...doesn't he look like Lee???

This post written by "Model List"

Opening Introduction

The opening introduction on the Cylons makes a powerful statement on Baltar. Pay attention and you see There are many copies... then the base star Boomers and then without a pause...Baltar and Six with her sly smile.

There it is right in the open in BSG style. Baltar is a Cylon.

The later opening credits show Baltar blown up each week, so this is not really a surprise as this blog has clearly covered.

More to come on last nights show, but this post stands on its own.

This post written by "Model List"

Saturday, August 06, 2005

Cylons Are People Too

So much happened in last night's episode. It feels like all of the storylines are once again taking off. There was a lot to keep track of, but I'll try my best to remember it all.

Starbuck and Helo get lost in the Humvee, start getting shot at by none other than a tie-in to the original series. Now, I am too young to have seen TOS with all the Galactica purists, but the one episode I saw was when Starbuck or Apollo gets framed for killing someone after a match of pyramid. Now they meet a team, and Starbuck has a great scene of a little one-on-one. This shows that she is still the same Starbuck--still powerful, pushing past injuries. She is also still a woman, shown by that little smirk at the end.

The military officers going behind Tigh's back to get the President free was totally believable. It seems like they are good, honest people, and when the C.O. is cracking under the pressure and drinking on duty, making all kinds of bad calls (I will get to the vunerability of Tigh in a moment), then they do what is right, but are so incredibly careful not to get caught. From my second-hand experiences witht he modern-day military, this is vaguely what happens. Towards the end of the episode, Tigh shows his mental weakness to the physically weak Commander Adama. As a great leader and friend, Adama says, "we'll pick up the pieces together." Basically, command isn't easy, everyone is bound to screw up.

The Tryol and G-Boomer dynamic copied Helo and C-Boomer almost exactly. It starts out, "I hate you, you're a machine, you have no feelings, I feel loveand you don't." At the end of this episode (which was beautifully played out), Tyrol realizes that they aren't so different from one another. The visual of this, which is probably the best elements of the show so far, was that stream of blood running down the face to meet the pool on the deck. I did a little prodding around on the forums before writing this up, and most people (who, admittedly usually have nothing good to say about TNS, but their opinions are interesting) are saying that the blood was just a silly dramatic effect to rub in the whole "innocent prisoner" thing, drawing parallels to the Abu Ghraib scandal. Instead, I would say that the blood running down the face shows that Cylons are people, too. They bleed the same blood, feel the same kind of feelings, and want the same kinds of things. Sometimes they just go and try to assasinate someone or explode in the middle of a ship. We have already seen that C-Boomer can love Helo, but incase you missed that one, the Cylon programming can even be overcome by love. Baltar is killing the Chief, and under the pressure, G-Boomer is able to spurt out "Eight! There are eight!" There are eight Cylon agents in the fleet. It is a little unclear whether this includes the likes of Six, Leobon, and Doral, who have made appearances from time-to-time. I don't think it does, since Baltar was asking how many were in the fleet at that moment. He also specified agents, meaning human-form. there are eight in the fleet right now, which means that the other knowns make the number of agents equal 11. That means we have one unknown Cylon not in the fleet, and three or four unknowns in the fleet (I'm still not too sure about Dualla.)
