Wednesday, August 24, 2005

The Arrow of Apollo

A few readers have brought up the idea that the Arrow of Apollo is actually a person. I can agree with that statement. What I disagree on is who the Arrow is. Those of you who commented have said the Arrow is Starbuck, for various valid reasons that I myself considered (she is the star pilot, she went to Caprica on a her special mission, she has the physical arrow in hand, Apollo is in love with her, etc...). However, it was brought to my attention that the mission on Caprica so far seems to point to Boomer as the Arrow. She has guided the colonists using the scriptures the entire time they have been down on Kobol. This will, I believe, be more evident now that the Geminon priestess has been killed. Starbuck's role actually factors into this quite well. She was sent to retrieve the Arrow of Apollo from Caprica. What did she come back with? A relic from the museum and Boomer. Boomer is the Arrow.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Boomer is the arrow! That's an interesting theory.... I wonder if it matches the prophecy... one character said "It's then that we will meet the gods' serpent - the arrow of apollo."

Now... if Boomer is the arrow, that makes her the serpent... the serpent of the gods. The prophecy would be refering to a cylon if that were the case, casting that cylon as a tool or representative of the gods, depending on what exactly being a "serpent" means... uhm, in this BSG context.

It seems odd that the god's would choose a cylon as their representative in this matter if the cylons were the bad guys. So maybe she's different... I can't eliminate her as the serpent, just seems unlikely. But there's another problem.

Before I was thinking that Kara might be the arrow, the serpent, but she and Boomer have both rejoined the party. The prophecy sounded to me like the leader would meet the arrow on Kobold. Well they are in orbit I guess. Does that count? I'm thinking no. See, I think they had to get to the surface of kobold to meet the arrow. They are all together on the surface now... but they already met: in orbit. Lee "model 12" Adama met and kissed Kara, then wanted to kill Boomer (lot's of anger, trouble with intamacy.... Lee is so cylon), all in orbit.

If I am right, they haven't met the arrow yet, the gods' serpent. Who will they meet? Well riddle me this..... how does the commander who arrested the president and whose number 2 declared marshal law get back together with the president. Remember when Adama cried over Boomer's body.... he said one word.... "why?" . Well, maybe the answer wasn't as philosophical as I thought. What if morgue-Boomer was programmed to kill the Arrow.... to stop the prophecy from coming true? What if that's the real reason for the assassination. I have even more of a climbing out on a limb feeling than usual... but what if Adama is the serpent. He doesn't know of course. The one person who might know all this, ironically, is kobold-Boomer. When the president "meets" adama on kobold, the way for the show to bring the fleet back together is for Boomer to answer Adama's question "why?, to identify Adama as the Gods' Serpent, the Arrow of Apollo.

9:08 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Is it "gods' serpent" or "gods servant"? I think you may have heard incorrectly. The quote goes like this I think: "It seems I have been chosen to help lead you to the promised land of Earth. I will not question this choice, I will simply try to play my part in the plan. Therefore, at the appointed hour, I will give a signal to the fleet. All those wishing to honor the gods and walk the path of destiny will follow me back to Kobol. It is there that we will meet the gods' servant with the Arrow of Apollo."

This means they meet Starbuck, the servant of the gods, with the arrow of Apollo (whoever or whatever - possibly a double meaning.)

2:37 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

If Adama is the arrow, do you think Kobol-Boomer still wants to kill him (as the preview for tomorrow's episode wants us to think)? It seems strange that if Caprica-Boomer knew all those things about Starbuck that Galactica-Boomer knew (how they first met, etc.) that she wouldn't have known that Galactica-Boomer had just tried to kill Adama. It seems strange that she wouldn't have mentioned that to Starbuck and Helo on their way back to join the fleet. Makes me think it isn't just love for Helo that brought her to Kobol.

2:38 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I think orbit is "close enough for Jazz."

2:38 PM  
Blogger (and Ernie) said...

Remember that G-Boomer didn't even know that she shot at Adama. I'm assuming that when the programming takes over, the memory logging goes out the window.

2:48 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

OK, I went back and watched "The Farm" again. (Thank god, or the gods, for DVR) Commander Adama is reading the President's statement. The quote is:

"Those who wish to honor the gods and follow the path of destiny will follow me back to Kobol. It is there we will meet the servant of the gods, the arrow of Apollo"

First, the President is not quoting scripture per se. Rather, she is only alluding to scraps of the prophecy, spinning it for her own political gambit - playing the religion card, as she put it.

Second, the bit she alludes to doesn't say they will meet the servant on the surface of Kobol. Rather, it simply implies meeting the servant AT Kobol. For our purposes, that could mean, Starbuck, Prego-Boomer, or Commander Adama. Or someone else entirely...

However, I will stick by my original proposition that Starbuck is the servant. Even the Cylons know she's special. Something tells me that in the end, the controversial gender change will turn out not to have been quite so arbitrary...

10:54 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I assume the show tries to mislead us a bit with the teasers each week, if not Boomer could be defending herself from an attack from Adama... though after his scene in the morgue I expect him to be more willing to forgive. I'm sticking with Adama... in part because I think he would be the most surprising candidate of those who make sense. If they introduce a new character for this role? Well I hope not... unless it's CSM.

Okay, I've been outvoted on servant vs. serpent. I think there is something a bit more mystical about serpent... but I'm still betting Adama, "on the surface", with the lead pipe.

9:42 AM  

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