Saturday, August 13, 2005

Opening Introduction

The opening introduction on the Cylons makes a powerful statement on Baltar. Pay attention and you see There are many copies... then the base star Boomers and then without a pause...Baltar and Six with her sly smile.

There it is right in the open in BSG style. Baltar is a Cylon.

The later opening credits show Baltar blown up each week, so this is not really a surprise as this blog has clearly covered.

More to come on last nights show, but this post stands on its own.

This post written by "Model List"


Anonymous Anonymous said...

well, okay. Good observation about the title sequence. If I already was pretty sure Gaius was human I might be with you on that. His back is to the camera... so I figure they aren't counting him. Though after tonight's episodes "scenes from next week".... I have a feeling he starts to question whether he is a cylon.

But then I finally saw the miniseries this week.... and pre-attack Six is telling Gaius how cylons transfer when they die. So when she dies in the nuclear blast to save him.... she transfers into his mind as a cohabitant? Based on that, he would have to be a cylon in order to accept that transfer.

But... she has been saying, in tonight's episode and previous, that Gaius was different. I'm not sure she has called him "special", like Kara status. Maybe she just says that because they wanted access to the code he was writing on Caprica, or perhaps they discovered that his human brain is so huge, that it resembles a cylon brain.... and so Six was able to transfer into his huge evolutionary-next-step human brain, and it was able to handle cohabitation.

So I still don't think he's a cylon, but seems like there's more evidence that he's not quite human either. In tonight's show he seems to say this himself when he calls his shipmates "they".

We'll see.

9:04 PM  

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