Friday, July 29, 2005

Running Commentary on 203

I'm trying something new tonight...

We might see Prez go public this episode.
The funeral scene is good...nervous Crashdown, cool-headed Chief. I think Baltar is the one who will turn on the rest of them. Six and Kobol...why are their souls just going to oblivion? What is it about Kobol?
Love the smoking's maybe a little cliche, but gives a little dimension to a completely minor character.
Billy, "Nobody put me there." (In the brig.) Brilliant.
Tigh is clueless. Dee and Lee (Cylons) are in control, know everything that is going on. Funny how Lee manages to keep a fair amount of power when he is on perole.
The President is hopped up on drugs and can't think straight. She is showing real human characterstics here. No way is she a Cylon.
Baltar is showing more signs of turning over to Cylons. Direct vengence of the Cylons...the children of the humans taking it from the parents. This anti-aircraft battery...Lee is leading the search and rescue mission against the battery. We'll see how this one goes.
Love the blank stares Tigh gets when he starts screaming that 90 minutes isn't good enough. Didn't he say that if there were survivors, they would have to wait? Funny that Dee, the communications officer "never was much of one for public speaking."
The governors are governing themselves. "All in favor?" I don't know why, but this strikes me as odd. What's with the pen in the water? Tigh will, "take their demand under advisement." He has no idea what he's doing. Plus, he's back on the drinkies again.
Ellen visits the Prez...she is the strong one, Prez is bumbling all over the place. She is going to get to the bottom of this I feel. Ellen has a way of finding out things. Maybe she'll expose her. The President better be freaking out about now. Beautiful little prayer snip.
Baltar's little foolish error. This is really gonna cost him. The centurions saw Gaius, but just walked away. Oh my...Callie gets more depth. For once, I think that Crashdown is right. It's crazy, but what else can they do? Let their buddies from Galactica get smashed to bits? Way to go Chief on bringing Gaius in line. Told you he'd turn. (And so what if that's the old Baltar character from TOS? It's his character!)
The guard is really much depth on such a minor character.
Stinkin' little Ellen "Cylon" Tigh trying to sabatoge the school teacher's rep. During the attack, someone will turn. Six is calling the Lords false gods, the Cylon god the only one. Humans have gone astray, the Cylons are cleansing them by hunting them down and killing resisting humans. Is the turning away on Kobol the reason why the Cylon god has turn his back on Kobol?
Oh boy, Billy got the Kamallah. President wins again., it was Crashdown in the end. Wasn't he dating Callie? That's messed up. Six saying you have to kill to be a man? He's a man, not a Cylon because he killed, because he crossed over into the evil barbarianism of backstabbing, the horrible human sacrificing that Gaius caught a glimpse of? You will have to be a man soon, meaning kill another human.
Hah! Great effect. I was totally convinced Chief blew up the Cylons for a second.
Ah...and here she goes, revealing it all. Now, if the Cylon god is the only one, how are these Scriptures correct? What is really the truth? I want to believe the Cylons, believe it or not.
Gaius atanding up for Crashdown...this is a little cliche, but I like the way Chief agreed. "Yeah, he was a hero. The end."
Taking a life.."Makes you human." "Is it." "Poetry, art, literature. Murder is my heritage." "'ll be alright Gaius. I'll be your conscience." Who wouldn't want Six as their conscience?
I think Tigh has a lot more to him than what I thought at first. (Great music here, by the way.) he has assumed command now, it seems. No more respect for the Commander's wishes. And then he takes a swig.

What a great episode....however...nothing on Caprica...a little disappointing, but I didn't notice until now.
In hindsight, Tigh really has no control over the ship. He is feigning power, but once the Commander wakes up....who knows what will happen. Right now the ship is controlled by the rest of the high-ranking officers. He's going to take the full force of the Colonials' dissatisfaction. Ellen's mission is probably to get Tigh more power, thereby screwing over the whole fleet.

And just so you all know, anyone can comment on this site. I'd love to hear what everyone has to say about the episodes and their own theories, but please don't leave any spoilers.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Looks like you got the connection.... "Be a man. Gaius" right away. I didn't catch on until she said it at the end... but was she just talking to Gaius?... or was she talking to us too. "Yes", she says "Gaius is a man".... no cylon he.

She also repeats her programming to Gaius, her primary directive to him: his purpose is to protect the cylon-human hybrid. He asks, paraphrasing, whether humanity can rise above it's murderous heritage, and she says "Our child will. But only if you accept your role as her father and guardian". The corollary from last week is Gaius wondering if Adama will kill the child, referencing his dream, and she says "Only if you let him Gaius, only if you let him." Gaius the human will use his intellect and position to keep the child alive. Who's child? Well not to beat a dead horse but I'm planning on being surprised if Boomer has a boy. Six did call the child a "her", right?

I'm still not positive about what happened with Crashdown's attack. Who turned on who there? Okay.... maybe Crashdown didn't so much "turn" on the group as the group turned on Crashdown. See... here's the deal. Six *knew* one of them would turn on the others. How? She knew Doc needed to get off Gallactica, because she knew a boarding party was coming soon .... shooting pretty indiscriminately. Has she ever actually made a "psychic" prediction about the future? If not.... doesn't she have to *know* one of the characters will turn.... making one of the character's a cylon? Crashdown may have been less than competent.... and I'm assuming his plan would have failed, but Callie is the one who refused to go. Isn't she the one turning on the group? What if she is a cylon? For Six to know.... there had to be a cylon in the group. The cylon turns on the group. If the cylon is Crashdown.... well he's gone now. Yet we never saw him revealed as a cylon. So the cylon must still be alive. Of the survivor's, I saw Callie's move as the closest to turning on the group.... even if it also seemed the most sensible move at the time.

Interesting name Crashdown. Seems like an odd callsign. Yet foreshadows what happens on his final mission. hmmmm.

Well, okay, it did seem like the cylon looked right at Gaius. Moments later, the two cylons walk off and leave the post unguarded. But that doesn't have to make him a cylon. If he was picked out long ago to be the guardian of the child, and I think he was, the cylons could have programmed themselves to ignore him just as they would another cylon.

Is it a great episode? Oh my gods, it's so great! I like the effect of of everyone using bullets... no rayguns. It really gives us much more of the intensity & panic of real combat compared to most scifi battles.... and chief's character has just been perfect the last two episodes. The politics is still great fun too.... cause fact is, even though Tigh is going over the edge, Adama did have the president arrested. So when he recovers.... they can hardly go back to the way things were before. Tigh finished the coup, but Adama started it. Will the president make Adama put all the blame on his friend Tigh, because she needs a competent military commander, just like Adama made Chief leave his guy in the brig, for leaving an access door open that was really the Chief's fault, because Adama needed his ships to fly? I'm guessing this show will not just have Tigh get killed in some confrontation so none of the other characters get muddied.... hopefully they'll play this out.

1:50 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I also liked the smoking doctor.

7:09 PM  

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