Sunday, August 21, 2005

The Most Important Moments in Sci-Fi

Boomer arrives with Starbuck in the President's faction of the fleet. Apollo lunges at her and hold his gun to her head. Helo reacts quickly, sticks his gun on Apollo. In this tense moment, Lee asks Helo, "What, are you a Cylon, too?" This is just so perfect. Lee himself gives out one of those "hidden in plain sight" clues that he is a Cylon. So what have we got now? "Adama is a Cylon, are you a Cylon too?"

The second great line from the show was Boomer trying to console Apollo. She said, "I know how you feel. I get it." That's sweet--the Cylon knows exactly how Lee feels. Small wonder.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

His immediate murderous rage for Boomer notwithstanding.

9:52 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

He's a cylon,
she's a cylon,
everywhere you go are cylon's, wouldn't you like to be a cylon too!

-sung to the tune of the American Werewolf in London's Dr. Pepper commercials.

I wouldn't be surprised if the writing was that sneaky. I like the "in plain sight" idea. If anyone happens to have the miniseries dvd... I recommend the commentary track. They don't give away anything.... except that they seem to confirm one character is not a cylon, but it's no one that anyone here is suspecting as a cylon. Three guys go on about the show for the entire three hours. I listened to it last night.... really fun "making of" stuff.

9:38 PM  

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