Like Father, Maybe not so Much Like Son...
I was just rewatching Litmus (fantastic episode, by the way), and I came to the part where Commander Adama orders the guard to escort the Sergeant to her quarters. This bears a striking resemblance to the Garner-Apollo incedent toward the end of the second season. Difference is, the guard listened to Bill, but not to Lee. In both cases, listening to the Adama was the "right" choice, but the people listen to Bill, not Lee...why? the beginning of Six Degrees of Separation, I have noticed three things that amuse me greatly. As we all know, the BSG universe has clipped corners on all their documents. Apparently, the things that should be round (such as CDs) are octagonal. That cracked me up. The second thing...Shelley Godfrey says, "The doctor gave this to me before he died." Gaius responds, "What, as opposed to after?" The last chuckle-worthy element was after the president's overdose. Doc Cottle says, "I'm going to give you a shot." She pulls up her sleeve, and the Doc says, "Not that kind of shot." This reminds me of a Futurama episode (Parasites Lost, season 3) where Fry is invaded by worms. Zoidberg says he is going to investigate his insides with a little camera. Fry opens his mouth, and Zoidberg says, "Guess again!" Oh my, I do love sci-fi comedy. the beginning of Six Degrees of Separation, I have noticed three things that amuse me greatly. As we all know, the BSG universe has clipped corners on all their documents. Apparently, the things that should be round (such as CDs) are octagonal. That cracked me up. The second thing...Shelley Godfrey says, "The doctor gave this to me before he died." Gaius responds, "What, as opposed to after?" The last chuckle-worthy element was after the president's overdose. Doc Cottle says, "I'm going to give you a shot." She pulls up her sleeve, and the Doc says, "Not that kind of shot." This reminds me of a Futurama episode (Parasites Lost, season 3) where Fry is invaded by worms. Zoidberg says he is going to investigate his insides with a little camera. Fry opens his mouth, and Zoidberg says, "Guess again!" Oh my, I do love sci-fi comedy.