Thursday, October 06, 2005

Knowledge of the Masses

Tomorrow will offically be two weeks since the summer finale of Battlestar. No doubt many of you, like myself, have been distracted from constant theorizing by work, school, family, pets, etc... However, I have the greatest confidence that someone out there has a valid yet debatable theory. This post is dedicated to your ideas about the direction(s) of the show (instead of me prattling on about my own).


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Aw, man. It's only been two weeks?

January's never gonna come.

1:58 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I think it would be a terrific idea to host a Lee Adma is a Cylon fanfiction writing contest. There are only four Apollo is a Cylon stories on the Web so far: Twelve, Final Moments, Abstract, and Possibility :Crazy (and the authors of the last three appear to have inspired each other). It would be great to see lots of new, original ones.

12:10 PM  
Blogger (and Ernie) said...

Fanfiction is not one of my areas of interest. If you are a fan of fanfic, more power to you. If someone would like to link to their fanfics and others', I will not stop them. Cheerio.

1:17 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I wasn't talking to you specifically. This just exactly the right place for such stories to be linked too. Unfortunately my talents don't lie in that area, but anyone else out there who thinks it is a good idea please make yourself/ves known.

2:04 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I apologize if I sounded a bit short. I was just disappointed you weren't as excited about my idea as I thought you would be. There never has been a writing contest about the bold, audacious, and brilliant idea that Lee Adama is a Cylon and I think that many people will agree with me that there are few better ways to spend the long months of waiting than by seeing what the fertile imaginations of the populace do with such ideas. Fanfiction is, after all, as varied and no more fictional than the show itself. Who is with me?

3:04 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

More clues that Apollo is a cylon:
-In the Miniseries podcast, Ron Moore is saying "The humans are the parents and the cylons are the children" at the exact same time as the William Adama/Apollo reunion and hug scene.
-Anyone else see a parallel between Apollo's Oympic Carrier guilt and Boomer's water tank explosion guilt in Water? The whole Olympic Carrier incident was a cylon setup, and Lee was probably programmed to take the ship down when given the order. Notice how he doesn't even respond to Starbuck in that 33 scene?
-The cylons like to get into people's heads. In Act Of Contrition, when Apollo figures out exactly what is bugging Starbuck ("It's not them (the trainees), it's Zak.") he smiles. Quite fiercely. There is an earlier (cut) scene where he's trying to get her to talk and she says, "You know, Lee, I think it's great you can get the other pilots to talk about their feelings or analyze their dreams or whatever it is you do, but I don't do that."
-Someone mentioned seeing Lee give the captured raider a friendly pat, but didn't specify the episode.
-Leobon (Ron Moore spells it this way) wasn't completely lying about the bomb. "Adama is a cylon!" was the (figurative) bomb. He said it the same time the bomb was supposed to go off.
-Distinct parallel between Six's jealousy and Apollo's jealousy in Kobol's Last Gleaming, part 1. Both injure their human love interest in a quick moment of anger (head-into-mirror, punch), and ask a question just afterward:
"How can you love her, Gaius?"
"Why did you do it, Kara? Just tell me why."

6:36 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I am quite fascinated by this speculation and wouldn't dismiss it out of hand strictly because I personally find it distasteful. I would think that were Apollo a cylon, he would go the path of Sharon and either try to put a bullet in his own head, or beg Starbuck to do it for him. However, a few flies in the ointment:

While Sharon seems to have memories of a family, parents, etc., does she actually have family? The same with the other known cylons. Programmed with a past is not the same as having one and I think any one of them would be hard pressed to find more than themselves at a family reunion. They sprung, fully hatched as it were, from a Cylon collective and from there infiltrated key positions within the human population.

Lee, however, has a family. He had a brother, who certianly more than just himself can accounnt for. He has a father and had a mother, and even if Caroline didn't survive his father most assuredly did. So, was the whole family Cylons? Did the Cylons kidnap the Adama children and replace them with clones? Is William Adama a cylon who's managed to reproduce with a human woman? I don't think any of these adequately address the past of Lee Adama as we know it to be. So, while an interesting and potentially devestating story line could be on the horizon, I'd have to say that while plausible, it's not probable.

6:54 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Boomer could have been taken at the time of the Troy mining settlement explosion and the duplicate inserted into society later. She may be based on a human woman with a different name and backstory than the one she was programmed with. The same model has been known to use multiple identies. Six is Gina on Pegasus and Natasi* for Baltar (Shelly Godfrey may have been a separate duplicate or a physical manifestation of Baltar's Six). Another of her model may have gotten to use the real backstory while one was invented for Sharon. And if she were, say, an adult "duplicate" of a child her backstory would have to be faked. And even if Boomer is homemade it does not automatically mean all other models are. There is, of course, the logic that the human DNA they so clearly possess must come from somewhere.
Apollo would be a perfect choice (it would be cheap to reveal it before season five of course). And even if it turned out not to be true (which I find improbable), we can still write about it.

*The name of Baltar's Six is Natasi according to the book version of the Miniseries (Which I believe is Ron Moore-sponsored). It is "I, Satan" spelled backwards, lending weight to speculation that Six is the reimagined Count Iblis.

8:10 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

And did I forget to mention neither Bill Adama nor Starbuck were in any kind of contact with Apollo for two whole years? (Miniseries) Coincidentally the exact same amount of time Boomer has been on Galactica (The Farm) and Natasi has been involved with Gaius (Miniseries). He would likely have been replaced with a doesn't-know-he's-evil duplicate during that time. Making any more Adamas cylons would be too much.

8:18 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Doral claimed to have studied public relations at the Kobol Colleges on Gemenon. Simply tampering with the files to show an Aaron Doral had attended is possible, but any thorough background search would also include class photos. Tampering with the class photos in the database would be immediately noticed by those in charge of them. So someone with the name and face of Aaron Doral has to have gone to the Kobol Colleges (at a believable age). You could say that's irrelevant after the attacks but (a) we don't know the extent of records available in the fleet and (b) Doral was almost certainly a sleeper agent (denying his true identity even when he had no chance of convincing anyone while Leobon gave up the act when Adama fingered him) who would have recited the same story when it could be verified.
And we do know for a fact that the cylons can copy memories. Caprica Boomer has Galactica Boomer's memories. So they can indeed copy them, at least from cylon to cylon. And while there are differences between human and cylon brains, they must be very similar indeed to pass brain scans (if they didn't pass brain scans, why bother with Baltar's detector?).

(I am quite fascinated by this speculation and wouldn't dismiss it out of hand strictly because I personally find it distasteful.)
That is very enlightened of you.

8:43 PM  
Blogger (and Ernie) said...

Good point on the 2-year Cylon implantation idea.

The idea that an existing human can be replaced by a Cylon is very near and dear to me, as this is the only way my site will have any warrant.

We don't yet know if Cylons can "grow". Since Boomer is having a child, their anatomies must be closely related, and the half-Cylons will be able to grow. If the orginals can, it is possible Sharon
was stuck in there from the "age" of 5. I doubt it, though, seeing as she must have had some memories given to her that made her believe she had a mother and father. the technology also had to have time to develop in the interim.

As for Lee (and Baltar), I would say that the DNA and memories can be stripped from a human and stuck into a model's body (framed after the DNA), and more memories, Cylon programming, etc... can be added. (Once again, similar physiology--nothing different is found on autopsy.)

9:33 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I never said Boomer grew, only that she could have been taken as a child, held in captivity till she was adult and then duplicated. Or taken as a child and a duplicate made that was "older" than the original (her personality being somewaht childlike, and adults and kids having the same DNA).
Please tell me what you think of the Season One clues I pointed out that have not been mentioned in this blog before.

The post by "beltk" is by me. Beltk was the word verification phrase of the moment and I accidentally typed it as my name without noticing.

6:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thank you for pointing out the facts of the mini. Much of it escapes since at the time it aired I was of the "how dare they...desecration...Starbuck a girl?!!! ack" camp and only marginally paid attention. It's good to know all the canon when forming hypotheses. So, in light of those facts, it does seem a bit more probable.

However, some things still don't make sense to me. If they wanted the elder Adama dead, wouldn't it behoove them to employ a less...shall we say 'invasive' means? A son has much more close and less limited contact than any one of Adama's command. Poison his food. Smother him in his sleep. Drug him and shoot him quietly in his quarters. There are any number of ways of killing him off than in the middle of CIC.

The only reason I can currently think of not to employ Lee to these ends is that Starbuck is part of the endgame. The Cylon dr. did say something about her being very special. What if the Cylons have some kind of selective breeding idea in the works. If Lee is a Cylon, who's to say Zak wasn't, also. With Zak dead, maybe Lee is plan B.

One would think that if the Cylons are practicing eugenics, that they are only going to take the best, the creme of the crop, as it were, to breed with. They aren't going to try to breed with just any ol' human. One might argue "well, what about sue-sean in The Farm", but if you think about it, to have survived the holcaust she had already shown an amazing resiliency, a certain amount of mental and physical stamina, and was an athlete on top of it. Perhaps by their standards she WAS prime breeding stock. And thus, so is Starbuck.

Now, here's an interesting side note, and correct me if I'm wrong. The Cylon plan seems to have focused on impregnating humans. Sharon is the first Cylon to BE impregnated. And as such, she claims to be a liability to them. What if the greater Cylon collective (for lack of a better word) has been trying to reproduce by impregnating human women, while the lesser collective (the humlons, as I've seen them called on other boards) are saying "this isn't working, we need a plan B" and that's where Sharon comes into play? Unfortunately, there are far fewer of them than the toasters so its a dangerous proposition, at best.

Any thoughts?

10:52 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

According to the Ron Moore podcast there are both male and female farms. They are kept separate for obvious reasons. The reason the cylons haven't been successful in reproducing so far is that when you tamper with DNA and physiology the first thing you can expect to malfunction is the reproductive system. The cylons can't have children with each other, so they decided they might have an easier time hybridizing with normal humans. Sharon said they hadn't been very successful not that they had been completely unsuccessful. She and Helo were part of an experiment to see if love would increase the odds. And it has indeed been proven in real life that if a woman feels loved she is more likely to conceive. I don't think that the genders of the parents are significant. It just happened that Helo was male and there was a female clyon model he had been close friends with.
Part of Apollo's programming could indeed be to reproduce. He's certainly shown a lot of interest in Kara, but she has been acting more distant towards him since the Baltar incident and her time with Anders. More recently he's been exchanging glances with Dualla. I don't think Zak was a cylon. I think Lee was replaced after Zak's funeral, his anger and resentment making him an easier target. Mind control cults, for example, go after people who hate their parents and have withdrawn from their friends. Also Zak failed basic flight and didn't seem as intellectual as Lee. Not very impressive. And the bakcstory is that Kara was actually more attracted to Lee than to Zak, but had gotten engaged to his brother before meeting him.

12:53 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

According to the Ron Moore podcast there are both male and female farms. They are kept separate for obvious reasons. The reason the cylons haven't been successful in reproducing so far is that when you tamper with DNA and physiology the first thing you can expect to malfunction is the reproductive system. The cylons can't have children with each other, so they decided they might have an easier time hybridizing with normal humans. Sharon said they hadn't been very successful not that they had been completely unsuccessful. She and Helo were part of an experiment to see if love would increase the odds. And it has indeed been proven in real life that if a woman feels loved she is more likely to conceive. I don't think that the genders of the parents are significant. It just happened that Helo was male and there was a female clyon model he had been close friends with.
Part of Apollo's programming could indeed be to reproduce. He's certainly shown a lot of interest in Kara, but she has been acting more distant towards him since the Baltar incident and her time with Anders. More recently he's been exchanging glances with Dualla. I don't think Zak was a cylon. I think Lee was replaced after Zak's funeral, his anger and resentment making him an easier target. Mind control cults, for example, go after people who hate their parents and have withdrawn from their friends. Also Zak failed basic flight and didn't seem as intellectual as Lee. Not very impressive. And the bakcstory is that Kara was actually more attracted to Lee than to Zak, but had gotten engaged to his brother before meeting him.

12:53 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

According to the Ron Moore podcast there are both male and female farms. They are kept separate for obvious reasons. The reason the cylons haven't been successful in reproducing so far is that when you tamper with DNA and physiology the first thing you can expect to malfunction is the reproductive system. The cylons can't have children with each other, so they decided they might have an easier time hybridizing with normal humans. Sharon said they hadn't been very successful not that they had been completely unsuccessful. She and Helo were part of an experiment to see if love would increase the odds. And it has indeed been proven in real life that if a woman feels loved she is more likely to conceive. I don't think that the genders of the parents are significant. It just happened that Helo was male and there was a female clyon model he had been close friends with.
Part of Apollo's programming could indeed be to reproduce. He's certainly shown a lot of interest in Kara, but she has been acting more distant towards him since the Baltar incident and her time with Anders. More recently he's been exchanging glances with Dualla. I don't think Zak was a cylon. I think Lee was replaced after Zak's funeral, his anger and resentment making him an easier target. Mind control cults, for example, go after people who hate their parents and have withdrawn from their friends. Also Zak failed basic flight and didn't seem as intellectual as Lee. Not very impressive. And the bakcstory is that Kara was actually more attracted to Lee than to Zak, but had gotten exchanged to his brother before meeting him.

12:53 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Please delete the later post, the one that has "exchanged" instead of "engaged." And Boomer wasn't supposed to shoot Adama until the time was right, when it would cause the most chaos. Lee, at the same time, was supposed to shoot Tigh (though Roslin stopped him) and create a resistance movement.

1:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Freudian slip in Pegasus: "Go get the Blackbird and take some pretty pictures of our cylon ship."

Caprica Boomer also seems to know Apollo's true nature. She was pretty sure Starbuck could be set up with someone she likes, and when Lee says "You're all the same." she gives him a long, cryptic look. Why wouldn't she reveal it? Fear of being flushed out the airlock for suddenly accusing people in important positions, or just concern for other's feelings? Or maybe she suspects but doesn't know for certain?

(I would think that were Apollo a cylon, he would go the path of Sharon and either try to put a bullet in his own head, or beg Starbuck to do it for him.)
The many possiblities are exactly what would make this exciting fanfiction. Does he live or die? Can he break his programming or not? What about other copies? How does he find out in the first place?
I really hope someone/s will pick up my idea, write stories, and link them to this blog. I can write, but being a perfectionist I never finish.

1:12 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hmmmm, very interesting. For you fanfic maeven, I do have to say this discussion has piqued the interest of my muse, but writing is always an iffy proposition at best. Coming from the Farscape fandom, it took me two full years to find the right 'voices' for the characters before I could write convincingly. We'll see what turns up for BSG.

That aside, I did have a theory about the 'humlons' (Lee currently excluded, however). What if the explosion on Troy was a Cylon attempt to disguise what I will call a 'harvesting' expedition. What if that's where they got their 'raw' material from to replicate their human like Cylons? You can't have 12 people go missing on a mining colony without folks talking. Blow up the colony, however, and you don't have that problem. It also gave them the opportunity to 'tweak' their science on a child; Boomer. All the others, if my theory bears any weight, would have been slightly older than Sharon and possibly already adolescents. Hard to muck around with a reproductive system that's already matured. But what could they do with an immature reproductive system? Is that why Sharon has conceived but none of the others, all love aside?

As for the humanoid cylon who attended college on can't tell me that Cylons, of all people (hmmm,now THERE'S a term used loosely) can't make a database show what they want it to. And really, if someone is in charge of the photos, what are the odds that they recognize every photo of every student that goes into the files? I know when I wnet to college you were lucky to recognize just the people who lived in your own dorm. Nowadays, people steal identities of other living people all the time. The Cylons, I would think, would be more than up to this task.

I know none of this supposition helps solve the Lee Adama question, but I think I need to go listen to some podcasts before I make anymore educated guesses about that. IN the mean time, I keep having this vision of Lee and a Centurion: "Lee, *I* am your father!" a la Darth Vader in Empire Strikes Back.

3:38 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Taking all twelve at one time doesn't strike me as likely. What are the odds that there would be twelve humans of interest to the cylons all in one place? And the very simplest explanation is that Boomer is the first to conceive because she's the first to have a two-way love relationship. Or rather the first to conceive easily, because as I pointed out she said "not very successful" not "unsuccessful." Natasi may have loved Gaius, but he did not love her and she knew that.
Reproduction being affected by tampering with genes seemingly unrelated to it is a fact, as is the feeling of love improving odds of conception.
For more clues I recommend going through Lee-related and episode commentary-related posts of the past.

Imagine how Kara or Dee would feel finding out they're in love with a cylon. Or Bill finding that the son he's reconciled with is a "toaster." Can Lee be a cylon duplicate and still Adama's son or are the two mutually exclusive?

"Demanding job commanding a battlestar."

5:57 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

And not to mention Roslin discovering she's put such unconditional trust in a sleeper agent. Could very well shatter her self-confidence. Apollo is in place to affect even the minor characters, the pilots and technicians. And how exactly would Gaius and Six fit into the equation?

6:16 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

And there are many different timeframes for the story to take place in. 33, mid-season one, the mission to Kobol, the Pegasus encounter etc.

7:40 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I see Apollo's and Doral's discussion in the Miniseries as a disagreement between two sleeper agents about how to proceed. Doral wanted to disrupt things while Lee wanted to bide his time and stay close to the power center. He also seemed awfully familiar with both Aaron and Sharon.

His being cylon also connects to his being a "daddy's boy" (although initially parroting the original Lee's anger and resentment). He very much clings to his "father," being only months old chronologically speaking. The cylons want to experience all sorts of things, including what it is like to be in a family. This behavior could also be attributed to someone in a cataclysmic situation who has only just reconciled with their only remaining parent, but it is only one of many pieces of evidence.
And the look he gives that photo of "himself," Zak, and Caroline Adama is telling.

2:25 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anyone else feel like contributing? The more the merrier.

8:08 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anybody want to speculate on what the purpose of that mystery cylon ship is? Maybee a duplication ship?

10:07 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Fact: It is a Resurrection Ship (a ship where the dead return to life). That's what it is called.

Here's a fanfic idea: Anders and other members of the Caprican resistance are rescued by Starbuck & firends and brought back to Galactica (a pro athlete team would make good recruits). On Galactica they recognize Apollo as they have encountered another of his model on Caprica.

1:57 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

There is an Lee "Apollo" Adama is a Cylon fanfiction challenge on. Guidelines are at

9:06 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

And I've got some good discussion going at Ragnar Anchorage.

7:44 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

1. "Aaron" is derived from "Aries." Aries is associated with the gift of God, which is speech, and Aaron Doral is a PR guy. So, Aaron Doral's model = Aries the Ram = Number One.
Aries. Symbol: The Ram. Key Phrase: I Am. Key Word: Activity.
Tribe: Gad. Disposition: Cardinal (creative). Element: Fire.

3. "Simon" is derived from the tribe of "Simeon," one of the twelve tribes of Israel. Simeon is associated with Gemini. So, Simon's model = Gemini the Twins = Number Three.
Gemini. Symbol: The Twins. Key Phrase: I Think. Key Word: Versatility.
Tribe: Simeon. Disposition: Mutable (changeable). Element: Air.

5. "Leobon" is derived from "Leo." "Leobon Conroy" means "Leo the King." So, Leobon Conroy's model = Leo the Lion = Number Five.
Leo. Symbol: The Lion. Key Phrase: I Will. Key Word: Magnetism.
Tribe: Judah. Disposition: Fixed (determined). Element: Fire.

6. Number Six (Natasi, Shelly Godfrey, and Gina's model) = Virgo the Virgin, of course. "Gina" is short for "Virginia," which means "the maiden." "Godfrey" means "Peace of God," a possible reference to the Virgin Mary as well as Natasi’s angel status. Natasi also claims to be the mother (virginal in a sense) of the hybrid baby. "Natasi" is similar to the tribe of "Naphtali," which is associated with Virgo.
Also, "Natasi" backwards makes "I, Satan" and Six, as a contraction of 666, is a number associated with Lucifer. Is Natasi a fallen angel?
Virgo. Symbol: The Virgin. Key Phrase: I Analyze. Key Word: Practicality.
Tribe: Naphtali. Disposition: Mutable. Element: Earth.

8. "D'anna" is derived from the tribe of "Dan," which is associated with Scorpio. “Dan” means “to judge or vindicate.” So, D'anna Biers' model = Scorpio the Scorpion = Number Eight.
Scorpio. Symbol: The Scorpion. Key Phrase: I Desire. Key Word: Intensity.
Tribe: Dan. Disposition: Fixed. Element: Water.

10. "Sharon" means "fertile field" or "princess." “Fertile field” refers to Caprica Sharon’s pregnancy, and in Hebrew Capricorn is symbolized by the Kid (baby goat.) “Princess” fits Caprica, the most prominent Colony. Caprica was also the home of Gaius Baltar, whom Caprica Sharon is the opposite of (the human gone over to the Cylon side, the Cylon gone over to the human side, and both have a connection to the hybrid baby). Capricorn is associated with the tribe of Zebulun, which is associated with marriage. So, Sharon Valerii/Boomer’s model = Capricorn the Goat = Number Ten.
In relation to Galactica Sharon, “Sharon” is similar to “sharain”: in Arabic myth, a voice that tells one to do bad things (the devil on one’s shoulder often seen on TV) and “Valerii” is similar to “Valium”: a sleeping pill. “Boomer” is a slang term for synthetic lifeforms in the anime series “Bubblegum Crisis.”
Capricorn. Symbol: The Goat. Key Phrase: I Use. Key Word: Ambition.
Tribe: Zebulun. Disposition: Cardinal. Element: Earth.

#s Two, Four, and Twelve (women) and Seven, Nine, and Eleven (men) remain unrevealed.

9? The Arrow of Apollo fits the statue of Sagittarius. Sagittarians are supposed to be idealistic and have a passion for justice. The Lagoon Nebula, which Lee Adama pointed out on the Star Map in the Tomb of Athena, is “in” Sagittarius in the modern era although at that time it was “in” Scorpio. Sagittarius is associated with the tribe of Benjamin. “Benjamin” means “son of my right hand.” So, Lee Adama/Apollo may = Sagittarius the Archer = Number Nine.
Sagittarius. Symbol: The Archer. Key Phrase: I Understand. Key Word: Visualization.
Tribe: Benjamin. Disposition: Mutable. Element: Fire.

9:15 AM  
Blogger (and Ernie) said...

Wow, that was thorough. I like it. Where did you draw the parallel to the tribes of Israel from?

7:14 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Well, someone on Galactica Actual pointed out that Simon and D'anna pretty clearly come from Simeon and Dan. From there you get the other parallels, such as "the son of my right hand."
As an aside, RDM stated in the Fandom interview that no Cylon was made from a specific human, but Lee can still have been adopted I think.

11:17 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Well actually his language wasn't very clear, it rarely is. You should listen to the interview.

11:18 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Here's a slightly updated list:
1. "Aaron" is derived from "Aries." Aries is associated with the gift of God, which is speech, and Aaron Doral is a PR guy. So, Aaron Doral's model = Aries the Ram = Number One.

Aries. Symbol: The Ram. Key Phrases: I Am, I Do. Key Word: Activity. Tribe: Gad.
Disposition: Cardinal (creative). Element: Fire. Planet: Mars. Archangel: Malahidiel.
Jungian Archetype: The Ordinary Guy.

3. "Simon" is derived from the tribe of "Simeon," one of the twelve tribes of Israel. Simeon is associated with Gemini. So, Simon's model = Gemini the Twins = Number Three.

Gemini. Symbol: The Twins. Key Phrases: I Think, I Communicate.
Key Word: Versatility. Tribe: Simeon. Disposition: Mutable (changeable). Element: Air.
Planet: Mercury. Archangel: Ambriel. Jungian Archetype: The Caregiver.

5. "Leobon" is derived from "Leo." "Leobon Conroy" means "Leo the King." One of Leo's key phrases is "I Give" and Leobon had a "gift" for Kara. So, Leobon Conroy's model = Leo the Lion = Number Five.

Leo. Symbol: The Lion. Key Phrases: I Will, I Give. Key Word: Magnetism. Tribe: Judah. Disposition: Fixed (determined). Element: Fire. Planet: The Sun. Archangel: Verchiel.
Jungian Archetype: The Sage.

6. Number Six (Natasi, Shelly Godfrey, and Gina's model) = Virgo the Virgin, of course. "Gina" is short for "Virginia," which means "the maiden." "Godfrey" means "Peace of God," a possible reference to the Virgin Mary as well as Natasi’s angel status. Natasi also claims to be the mother (virginal in a sense) of the hybrid baby. "Natasi" is similar to the tribe of "Naphtali," which is associated with Virgo. One of Virgo's key phrases is "I Help" and Natasi "helps" Baltar frequently, in rather interesting ways.
Also, "Natasi" backwards makes "I, Satan" and Six, as a contraction of 666, is a number associated with Lucifer. Is Natasi a fallen angel?

Virgo. Symbol: The Virgin. Key Phrases: I Analyze, I Help.
Key Word: Practicality. Tribe: Naphtali. Disposition: Mutable. Element: Earth
Planet: Mercury. Archangel: Hamaliel. Jungian Archetype: The Lover.

8. "D'anna" is derived from the tribe of "Dan," which is associated with Scorpio. “Dan” means “to judge or vindicate.” "Biers" is derived from the archangel "Barchiel," also associated with Scorpio. According to Lucy Lawless, under her veneer of sophistication D'anna is a vicious (stinging?) animal. So, D'anna Biers' model = Scorpio the Scorpion = Number Eight.

Scorpio. Symbol: The Scorpion. Key Phrases: I Desire, I Eliminate. Key Word: Intensity.
Tribe: Dan. Disposition: Fixed. Element: Water. Planet: Pluto. Archangel: Barchiel.
Jungian Archetype: The Jester.

10. "Sharon" means "fertile field" or "princess." “Fertile field” refers to Caprica Sharon’s pregnancy, and in Hebrew Capricorn is symbolized by the Kid (the baby goat.) “Princess” fits Caprica, the most prominent Colony. Caprica was also the home of Gaius Baltar, whom Caprica Sharon is the opposite of (the human gone over to the Cylon side, the Cylon gone over to the human side, and both have a connection to the hybrid baby). "Valerii" means "a warrior or rebel, valiant." Capricorn is associated with the tribe of Zebulun, which is connected with marriage. So, Sharon Valerii/Boomer’s model = Capricorn the Goat = Number Ten. Capricorn is also associated with the archangel Hanael, one of the rulers of the seven heavens and an angel connected with sexuality. Capricorn = goats = satyrs = Saturn, all of which are realted to sexuality and procreation.
In relation to Galactica Sharon, “Sharon” is similar to “sharain”: in Arabic myth, a voice that tells one to do bad things (the devil on one’s shoulder often seen on TV) and “Valerii” is similar to “Valium”: a sleeping pill. “Boomer” is a slang term for synthetic lifeforms in the anime series “Bubblegum Crisis.”

Capricorn. Symbol: The Goat. Key Phrases: I Use, I Organize. Key Word: Ambition.
Tribe: Zebulun. Disposition: Cardinal. Element: Earth. Planet: Saturn. Archangel: Hanael.
Jungian Archetype: The Ruler.

#s Two, Four, and Twelve (women) and Seven, Nine, and Eleven (men) remain unrevealed.

9? The Arrow of Apollo fits the statue of Sagittarius. Sagittarians are supposed to be idealistic and have a passion for justice, as is the associated archangel Advachiel. The Lagoon Nebula, which Lee Adama pointed out on the Star Map in the Tomb of Athena, is “in” Sagittarius in the modern era although at that time it was “in” Scorpio. Sagittarius is associated with the tribe of Benjamin. “Benjamin” means “son of my right hand.” Apollo is the son of Zeus/Jupiter. So, Lee Adama/Apollo may = Sagittarius the Archer = Number Nine.

Sagittarius. Symbol: The Archer. Key Phrase: I Understand, I Sacrifice. Key Word: Visualization.
Tribe: Benjamin. Disposition: Mutable. Element: Fire. Planet: Jupiter. Archangel: Advachiel.
Jungian Archetype: The Hero.

11:45 AM  
Blogger starchild said...

wohoo! New Hope, new leaders , new teaser!

scifi 's running ads for the new season.... BSG: Jan 6. It's really finally only a month away!

...and now I return you to your regularly scheduled and most excellent model list discussion.

10:14 AM  

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